Monday, September 3, 2012

Book Review: Paranormalcy by Kiersten White

Let me start off by saying I'm a huge fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I've seen every episode way too many times to mention on a public forum. So, when I saw this book at my local library I decided to give it a shot. The premise - 16 year old Evie works for an organization that tracks and captures supernatural beings, reminded me of a season of Buffy.

I wasn't disappointed in this book. I loved how Evie -even though she has a talent that makes her very special- only wants to be an ordinary girl. (I love how she is all about seeing a high school locker.) However, Evie's life is disrupted when someone starts killing the paranormals. To make matters worse, she is constantly on guard against her fairy ex-boyfriend Reth, and is developing feelings for the new shape-shifting prisoner Lend.

This book is the first in trilogy by Kiersten White. I have already got the other two books: Supernaturally and Endlessly on hold at my local library. If you like supernatural elements like fairies, shape-shifters, and werewolves, this book might just be for you.

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