Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Bout of Books 10 Reading Updates

 Bout of Books

I am such a slacker for not posting on Bout of Books 10 until today. However, in my defense, it is the end of the school year. That means Field Days, Yearbook Days, this reward party, that reward party, Honor's Day, and entering end of year grades and planning for final conferences. Whew....just glad that I am getting in some reading.


Monday, 5/12
Books Read Today:
  Completed: The Nazi Invasion, 1944 (Book 9 in the I Survived series) by Lauren Tarshis
This book will be going in my classroom library. My boys love this series, and I always make a point to read any new release.

In-Progress:Hero's Trial (Agents of Chaos 1) by James Luceno ( I had started this book this past weekend with the hopes that I would complete it before Bout of Books began. Once this one is complete, I will attack my B.O.B. 10 TBR pile)

Total Books Read: ~1
Total Pages Read: 166

Tuesday, 5/13
Books Read Today:1
  Completed: Didn't finish one today.
In-Progress: Hero's Trial (Agents of Chaos 1 by James Luceno (I'm 70% finished and hope to complete it tomorrow night.

Total Books Read: 1
Total Pages Read: 232

Wednesday, 5/14
Books Read Today:1
  Completed: Hero's Trial (Agents of Chaos 1 by James Luceno
I've always been a HUGE Star Wars fan, but had only read a handful of the Extended Universe novels. There are so many of them I really didn't know where to start. My Sweetie solved that problem by buying me the entire 19 novel New Jedi Order series for my birthday. This is book four in that series.)

  In-Progress:This Song Will Save Your Life by Leila Sales
Total Books Read: 2
Total Pages Read: 358

Thursday, 5/15
Books Read Today: 0
Total Pages Read: 12 (not a good reading day...LOL)
In Progress: This Song Will Save Your Life by Leila Sales

I just can't get into this book right now. I don't think it is the book, I honestly just think it is my reading slump rearing its ugly head. May try another book tomorrow.
Total Pages Read: 370

Friday, 5/16
Books Read Today: part of two books
Total pages read today: 130 (much better than yesterday!)
In Progress: The Year of the Book by Andrea Cheng

Reading this one before I add it to my classroom library. So happy that the main character is an American Born Chinese girl. Diversity for the win!!
Total pages read so far: 500

I'm really hoping I can knock out two book on my original TBR pile this weekend. I've really strayed from my original Bout of Books TBR pile.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Bout of Books 10 Goals

"Bout of Books

Time Devoted to Reading

I will be reading approximately two hours a day.

My Goals

  • Read at least a book a day.
  • Comment on at least two blog posts a day.
  • Participate in at least one challenge.

Books to Read

These are the five books that I plan on reading during Bout of Books 10. I hope to add more if I can.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Bout of Books 10

Bout of Books

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, May 12th and runs through Sunday, May 18th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 10 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Book

I will be participating once again in the Bout of  Books read-a-thon. I really enjoyed participating last time, and I hope this really gets me out of the mini book slump I am currently suffering.

Life gets in the way....

I haven't blogged too much lately. Right after my last post, my uncle called to inform me that he had liver cancer. A little over a month later, the cancer won and we lost my Uncle. He was only 59. So, needless to say, I wasn't in the blogging mood. My Uncle wasn't one to get mired down in depression, so I finally got myself together a week and half ago.

I haven't read too much since that time. Just couldn't concentrate on anything I suppose. However,  I am slowly getting myself out of this reading slump.

Since my last post, the last of my birthday presents from my Sweetie arrived. I am a HUGE Star Wars fan, so I was shocked when he gave me the complete New Jedi Order book series. Since my last post, I have read the following from that series: Vector Prime, Dark Tide I: Onslaught, and Dark Tide II: Ruin.  So far, I am really enjoying these books.

I have also read quite a few books that are now on my classroom library shelves. I am trying to collect more nonfiction books for my students. These three were excellent additions. My students and I really enjoyed these.

The last book that I have completed since my last blog post is a book that I read for professional reasons. I am always looking for ways to motivate my students into becoming avid readers. This book was wonderful and full of ideas that I will be implementing in my room next year.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

A Book Heavy Month

Wow! It has been almost a month since my last post, but it has been a huge one. This month I turned the Big 40. What's funny is that I still think I'm in my 20s! Needless to say, my sweetie has spoiled me rotten. He bought me a Kindle Fire HDX to take the place of my plain Jane Kindle. I just love it so much. He also purchased several books for me, but only one box set has arrived. I would do a book haul vid, but this girls not going to video Sir...LOL. However, I have no problem giving the run down of the books that I have gotten so far this month.

From my local Goodwill for only $12 (all hardback)!

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Nancy Drew #1 and #2
Nancy Drew and The Clue of the Broken Locket
Summer of the Sea Serpent (Magic Tree House)

For my Birthday:

(This replaces my HEAVILY read one.)

Books I bought for myself:

(I have already finished this one and it was excellent!)

This won't be all the books I get this month. I will be posting soon with an update.

Happy Reading Everyone!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Newbery Reading Challenge Post #1

I recently finished The One and Only Ivan, and find myself wondering why I let it sit on my Kindle for so very long. Ivan's voice is amazing, and you immediately find yourself pulling for the great ape. I also love all of the secondary characters, but Bob had to have been my favorite hands down. I will admit to having a tear or two fall as I read this story. This is one that I will be reading to my students during testing week.

On a side note, I visited Zoo Atlanta, where the real life Ivan wound up. I wonder now if I possibly saw him in his new domain. I'm hoping that I did.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants a heartwarming read, with an amazing lead character that you can't help but fall in love with.

My Newbery Challenge total: 3 points

Monday, February 10, 2014

This book should be read by EVERYONE!!!

This year for Christmas my lovely sweetie gave me a $250 gift card to Book-A-Million. I was so happy...he knows me so well. On my first visit to the bookstore, I stumbled across this lovely title. As I read the blurb on the back I became immediately interested! I'm so glad I picked up this book that I had heard little to nothing about. I feel like I somehow have unearthed a gem. Something that the world had yet to discover.

I don't want to give too much away, because I feel that my not knowing much played a huge part in my enjoyment of the book. I will say that this book follows Finny and Autumn, two teenagers who have spent their lives living next door to each other. Their mothers are best friends, and they were born in the same month. This book follows Finny (whom I immediately fell in love with) and Autumn over their high school years. The years in which the people whom you thought would be your best friends forever, start to veer off in different directions, into different social groups. Despite all of this, Finny and Autumn still have a is this connection that will reach into your chest and grab a tight hold of your heart.

I can't scream my recommendation from the rooftops loud enough, "YOU MUST READ THIS BOOK ASAP!" You will thank me  for it.

5 out of 5 Stars....hands hesitation.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Another Great Reading Week

It seems that the Bout of Books read-a-thon kick started a month of reading. So far this month I have read 14 books and 2 novellas. This is great considering my Goodreads goal is 125 books.

This week I finished Insurgent by Veronica Roth. I enjoyed the book, but like Divergent more. Divergent was a little more action packed I think. Insurgent was filled with a lot more exposition. Not that exposition is bad, but going from Divergent straight into the sequel definitely made the difference more pronounced.

Next, I read I'm Not Her by Janet Gurtler. My cousin Mary recommended this book, and I did enjoy it, but not as much as some of my other reads this month. While reading that, I was listening to Crash by Lisa McMann. I really enjoyed reading her previous series, and I wanted to check this one out. I'm so glad that my library had the audiobook.

My next two books I purchased because they were really cheap Kindle Deals. The first, Falling for Her Fiance by Cindi Madsen. was only .99. How could I pass that up? It was a quick read, and also a good way to clear my mind of the cancer portion of I'm Not Her. Finally, I snatched up Rule by Jay Crownover. I have seen this pop up on other book blogs, so I decided to give it a shot. I enjoyed it a great deal....even if I'm not into all the body piercing involved.

Finally, I started reading Allegiant by Veronica Roth. Unfortunately, I've been a bit spoiled about the ending, but hopefully not too much. I'm almost halfway through with the book, and since tomorrow is a holiday I hope to finish it up.

I hope everyone else had a great reading week!

4 out of 5 stars
3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5 out of 5 stars
3 out of 5 stars
3.5 out of 5

Monday, January 13, 2014

Bout of Books 9.0 Day 7 Update

Bout of Books

The final day of Bout of Books was a great reading day for me. I finished the two books I had started Saturday, plus another light and easy read that was on my Kindle. I also began Insurgent, but only got 23 pages in. I'm so glad that I decided to participate in this reading challenge and will be doing Bout of Books 10!




I highly recommend this book! So glad I stumbled across it!

Wasn't in love with this one. The last half was better than the first, but this was not my favorite read of the challenge.

These Brazen Entangled novels are my guilty pleasure. I haven't read one that I didn't enjoy. 



Sunday, January 12, 2014

Bout of Book 9.0 Day 6 Update

Bout of Books

Day six started off slow for me. I didn't start reading until late in the afternoon. I got carried away watching booktube videos. While watching The Little Book Owl's Top 13 of 2013, she mentioned a book called Making Faces that caught my eye. So, I went on Amazon and downloaded it to my Kindle. I had already started reading How to Love, but it just wasn't holding my interest. I didn't have that problem with Making Faces at all. I was immediately pulled into the story and was so glad that I had downloaded it to my Kindle.




This novella was just what I needed after reading A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness.

I read 283 pages of this book. Don't let the cover fool you, this book is very good and extremely emotional. I read 283 pages.

I read 47 pages. It's not a bad story, I just couldn't quite get into it. Going to try again tomorrow.



Saturday, January 11, 2014

Bout of Books 9.0 Day 5 update

Bout of Books

Bout of Books Day 5 was pretty good. I'm please with my progress so far, as this is my first time participating in a read-a-thon of any kind. My cousin will be able to start Insurgent by Veronica Roth with me tomorrow, so I wanted to start something that I could finish in one day. That book turned out to be A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness.

What can I say about this book? This is one I couldn't have read eight years ago....or even five years ago. My mother passed away eight years ago after a brave and courageous seven year battle against two types of cancer. She beat the breast cancer, but the ovarian cancer was a stealthy bitch. It still took two and half years for the ovarian cancer to take her from the end, she was tired and ready, me...well, I had to get there. My mother had been, and still is, my rock...the foundation that I was built upon. She will always be the strongest woman I have ever known.  Because of this, I could relate to the character of Conor...maybe a little too much. I was much older than the thirteen year old Conor, but like him, my father wasn't in the picture.

I thought I would breeze through this book. I read the paperback (but will be investing in the hardcover soon), and at only 225 pages in length with a larger font than a normal book, I figured I could read this in only a few hours. However, the memories of dealing with my Mom and her illness would creep into my thoughts as I was reading. This didn't take away from the experience, in fact it actually made it better. I wound up taking my time and savoring every word.

This was my first experience with Patrick Ness, and it won't be my last. I know this was a little rambly, and maybe it won't make sense to anyone other than me...but these are my thoughts on the book, as scattered as those may be.






After being put through the emotional wringer with A Monster Calls, I need something a little light, fluffy, and a bit sexy. I love the Entangled Brazen line, and I recently picked this up for just .99 cents on my Kindle. 

I plan on reading How to Love and Insurgent at the same time. My cousin has finally finished Divergent, so we are going to read the second one together. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

The Newberry Reading Challenge 2014

Smiling Shelves

As I was looking at other book blogs during Bout of Books, I stumbled upon Smiling Shelves and her Newberry Book Challenge. I thought this would be a great one for me to participate in since I teach the 4th grade. I'm always adding new books to my classroom library, and I'd love to revisit some books that I read as a child.

The guidelines are as follows:

Each book you read is worth points. You get:
3 points for a Newbery Medal Winner
2 points for a Newbery Honor Book
1 point for a Caldecott Medal Winner (Gotta give the picture books some love, too.)

In addition to that, you pick a level to aim for:
 L'Engle: 15 - 29 points
Spinelli: 30 - 44 points
Avi: 45 - 59 points
Lowry: 60 - 74 points
 Konigsburg: 75+ points

Since I love to read Maniac Magee to my students every year, I'm going to aim for Spinelli.

If you think you might be interested, go check out Smiling Shelves and join in the fun.

Bout of Books 9.0 Day 4 Recap

Bout of Books

After a bad reading day yesterday, I really caught up today. I picked up Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell and that was all she wrote. I love Eleanor & Park, so when I saw this was out I immediately grabbed it up without a second thought. I'm so glad that I did. I enjoyed the story from the very beginning, but there was one chapter that simply reached into my chest and grabbed a tight hold on my heart. Now, I won't spoil it and tell you which chapter took this book from really good to OMG! YOU MUST READ THIS. But that chapter was awesome. So awesome in fact that after reading the last line, I immediately went back and read that chapter over. If you have Fangirl in your TBR pile...pick it up next. You won't regret it.







Really wishing I had found this in hardcover. If I love it, I will probably donate this one to my local Little Free Library and buy the hardcover later.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Bout of Books 9.0 Day 3 Recap

Bout of Books
Today wasn't a great reading day. I came home from work to a waterfall caused by a busted water much fun....not. Us Southerners aren't used to all this cold. Despite losing an hour and half of reading time, I still managed to complete a novella and start my next book.







Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Bout of Books 9.0 Day Two Update

Bout of Books

 Two days into Bout of Books and I'm doing pretty good. I finished one book and started a second. I didn't have as much time to read today due to work, but I still managed to read a good bit. I even participated in one of the challenges.