I've been away for a while, and for that I'm sorry. However, since my last post, my grandmother has been put on home hospice care and things are day to day. I've still been reading. It's the best way for me to settle down each night. I just haven't had the energy to come and keep up my various blogs.
With that being said, I have the next week off work, so I'm going to try to make a dent in my TBR pile. So without dragging it out, I'm announcing my Thanksgiving Read-a-thon. I've got books that I've purchased, plus several from the local library. I hope to really make a dent in my reading. I will post what I have finished on the Sunday after Thanksgiving!
I hope everyone enjoys their holiday!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Work gets in the way....so sad
Work. I love my job, but sometimes it seriously cramps my ability to read for pleasure and then share my thoughts. I have been reading though. I've read several books that I've reviewed on Goodreads, but not here. Hopefully, I can make a serious dent in my TBR next weekend. Yep, taking a mini vacation w/ friends to the beach so books will be going with me for sure.
Goodreads links to the books I've read recently:
Gone by Michael Grant
Ashfall by Mike Mullin
The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
If I Lie by Corrine Jackson
All of the above books were good, but If I Lie and Ashfall were my faves.
I am currently reading:
Also, super excited that I won an ARC of The Turning from Epic Reads and a copy of Send from FictionFolio!
Goodreads links to the books I've read recently:
Gone by Michael Grant
Ashfall by Mike Mullin
The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
If I Lie by Corrine Jackson
All of the above books were good, but If I Lie and Ashfall were my faves.
I am currently reading:
Also, super excited that I won an ARC of The Turning from Epic Reads and a copy of Send from FictionFolio!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Awesome Epic End of Summer Giveaway!
As a new book blogger, I've been searching for and finding lots of book blogs to follow. One of those blogs Tales of the Ravenous Reader is having a huge end of summer giveaway. Just click on the name, and it will take you there. I highly suggest you check it out. Lots of good books and other goodies will be given away. The giveaway ends September 22nd.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Book Review: If I Lie by Corrine Jackson
From Amazon:
Publication Date: August 28, 2012
A dramatic and powerful novel that explores the gray space between truth and perception.
Cheater. Traitor. Slut.
Quinn’s done the unthinkable: she kissed a guy who is not Carey, her boyfriend. And she got caught. Shunned by everyone she knows, Quinn loses her friends, her reputation, and her identity. Because Carey’s not just any guy—he’s a Marine who’s serving overseas, and beloved by everyone in their small, military town.
But Quinn didn’t cheat. She could clear her name, but that would mean revealing secrets she’s vowed to keep—secrets that aren’t hers to share. So she stays silent, and waits for Carey to come home.
Then Carey goes MIA, and Quinn must decide how far she’ll go to protect her boyfriend…and her promise.
Last week I joined Pulse and was lucky enough to be able to read this book for free online. Where do I even begin with this book? It was so good that I devoured it in just two sittings. This book was just amazing!!
Sophia Topper Quinn is keeping a secret. A secret that if revealed, would free her of the town's scorn. However, Quinn is a much stronger person than I'd ever be, because she chooses loyalty to saving her own skin. I rooted for Quinn the entire time. I really felt for the character and, even though I'm not sure I could do it myself, the way she stuck to her guns. The character development throughout this book was extremely well done. I found myself falling in love with the cantankerous George. This book had me in tears, then crying through my tears, and finally left me with a smile. If you are looking for an amazing contemporary YA read, this is the book I would recommend. Read it. Read it now.
Even though I read this book for free, it is one I will definitely buy for my home library.
Quinn’s done the unthinkable: she kissed a guy who is not Carey, her boyfriend. And she got caught. Shunned by everyone she knows, Quinn loses her friends, her reputation, and her identity. Because Carey’s not just any guy—he’s a Marine who’s serving overseas, and beloved by everyone in their small, military town.
But Quinn didn’t cheat. She could clear her name, but that would mean revealing secrets she’s vowed to keep—secrets that aren’t hers to share. So she stays silent, and waits for Carey to come home.
Then Carey goes MIA, and Quinn must decide how far she’ll go to protect her boyfriend…and her promise.
Last week I joined Pulse and was lucky enough to be able to read this book for free online. Where do I even begin with this book? It was so good that I devoured it in just two sittings. This book was just amazing!!
Sophia Topper Quinn is keeping a secret. A secret that if revealed, would free her of the town's scorn. However, Quinn is a much stronger person than I'd ever be, because she chooses loyalty to saving her own skin. I rooted for Quinn the entire time. I really felt for the character and, even though I'm not sure I could do it myself, the way she stuck to her guns. The character development throughout this book was extremely well done. I found myself falling in love with the cantankerous George. This book had me in tears, then crying through my tears, and finally left me with a smile. If you are looking for an amazing contemporary YA read, this is the book I would recommend. Read it. Read it now.
Even though I read this book for free, it is one I will definitely buy for my home library.
KimmieMonday, September 3, 2012
Book Review: Paranormalcy by Kiersten White
Let me start off by saying I'm a huge fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I've seen every episode way too many times to mention on a public forum. So, when I saw this book at my local library I decided to give it a shot. The premise - 16 year old Evie works for an organization that tracks and captures supernatural beings, reminded me of a season of Buffy.
I wasn't disappointed in this book. I loved how Evie -even though she has a talent that makes her very special- only wants to be an ordinary girl. (I love how she is all about seeing a high school locker.) However, Evie's life is disrupted when someone starts killing the paranormals. To make matters worse, she is constantly on guard against her fairy ex-boyfriend Reth, and is developing feelings for the new shape-shifting prisoner Lend.
This book is the first in trilogy by Kiersten White. I have already got the other two books: Supernaturally and Endlessly on hold at my local library. If you like supernatural elements like fairies, shape-shifters, and werewolves, this book might just be for you.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Stacking the Shelves #1
I'm officially new to all of this book blogging, as testified to by my very plain looking blog, but I am going to try my best to really get this going. I've seen this "Stacking the Shelves" meme on many book blogs that I know follow, so I decided to give it a go. So here we go, I proudly present my first ever Stacking the Shelves as started by Tyngas Reviews.
Today I hit the "local" (45 minutes away and the closest one to me) bookstore to get some much needed reading material. I didn't get what I wanted.....Inbetween by Tara Fuller....but I did get a few that I really wanted to read.
From Books-A-Million:
I know, I know, this isn't a YA read, but considering I started reading Koontz when I was still in high school, Watchers was my first (don't get me started on the HORRIBLE movie version), I had to get his newest work. I have read all of the other Odd Thomas novels and have loved each one. I can't wait to get into this one.
Ah, John Green. I fell in love with his first book Looking for Alaska and cried buckets over The Fault in Our Stars. Since those were the only two I have read so far, I picked up this one to read. At first I had picked up An Abundance of Katherines, but my cousin -who is just as big a reader as I am- told me her sister had it, so I plan on borrowing Katherines from her.
This book has been popping up all over the place...book haul videos, book blogs, etc. I saw this and grabbed it up. I'm hoping this one is going to be a great read. My cousin has already called "next" on this one.
Target purchases:
This is another one that has been all over the book blogs. I was going to wait, but once I read the inside flap, I just had to get it.
I haven't heard of this book, but once I read the description, I just had to pick it up. I love the paranormal stuff, but I also like contemporary reads.
I'm not sure what I'll start reading first, but I think it will either be Twenty Boy Summer or This is Not a Test.
What books have you added to your To Be Read pile?
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
The Mockingbirds
Summary from Goodbooks:
Some schools have honor codes.
Others have handbooks.
Themis Academy has the Mockingbirds.
Themis Academy is a quiet boarding school with an exceptional student body that the administration trusts to always behave the honorable way--the Themis Way. So when Alex is date raped during her junior year, she has two options: stay silent and hope someone helps her, or enlist the Mockingbirds--a secret society of students dedicated to righting the wrongs of their fellow peers.
In this honest, page-turning account of a teen girl's struggle to stand up for herself, debut author Daisy Whitney reminds readers that if you love something or someone--especially yourself--you fight for it.
I had read some mixed reviews about this book, but I'm glad I decided to give it a shot. The story follows Alex Parker and begins the morning after her date-rape. While some found it worrisome that the students are the ones that are judge and jury, I found it refreshing. Teenagers often play judge and jury with their peers, just look at cliques. Students judge each other based on perceptions, both real and imagined. I liked this book, because the founding of the Mockingbirds is based on one of all my all time favorite books - To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. I feel the author, a victim of date-rape herself, handled the touchy subject matter quite well. The resolution of Alex's story felt real to me, and I was pleased with the outcome. I give this book 4 out of 5 stars.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
This book looks really interesting!
So, I can't wait to read this book! I just love a female characters that fight back against the system.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
I can't wait to read this book!
This book just looks ridiculously good. Thoughts?
Fallen and Torment

Fallen angels, star crossed lovers, battles between good and evil.....what's not to love?
I started reading Fallen last weekend. I had purchased it during the summer and promptly placed it in my TBR pile. There it set for several months. When I finally picked it up, I had to ask myself why I had let it sit there so long. Maybe it was because I wasn't so sure about the topic of fallen angels, maybe I was worried it would be a little too Twilight-ish (sorry Twilight lovers, I tried several times to read it, but Bella's character just killed it for me.....sorry), anyway, whatever the reason I quickly found out that it didn't really apply to this novel.
The first few chapters moved a little slowly, but going in knowing that this was the first in a series I expected that. As I progressed through the book, I found myself not wanting to put it down at all...not even to sleep. I loved that the setting was not too far from where I live. I loved the fact that there was a little mystery to both Cam and Daniel. After falling in love with a strong-willed character like Katniss in The Hunger Games trilogy, Luce took a little getting used to. However, I did find myself pulling for Luce in the end. When I finished reading Fallen, I immediately started Torment, thanks to my cousin, and read it in only 2 days. With all series, in each book you learn more and more about the backstory. Torment didn't disappoint. We learn a little more about Daniel, Cam, and Luce. We are also introduced to new characters - Miles (who I don't entirely trust - I just can't put my finger on it) and Shelby. There are more characters, but these two are the most important to Luce.
I already have Passion, so I'm ready to get into third, and next to last, book in the series. I hope the mystery continues to unravel and the story continues to progress at a good pace. I hate getting into a series and my enthusiasm dies out because the quality goes downhill.
I give both of these books 4/5 stars. If you like YA Paranormal type books, check these out.
Keep Reading,
Kimmie :-)
Saturday, August 25, 2012
I'mmmm back....LOL
Wow, when I started this blog right before summer break, I thought that I would be on it weekly. Boy, was I ever wrong. I got bogged down in the new Common Core Curriculum and worked on it most of the summer. I didn't read as much as I thought I was going to either. I did read a few books, but not as many as I originally thought I would. The good news is this, since I spent so much time working this summer, I have freed up some time for myself now. I will be going back and reviewing the three books that I really want to share, as well as reviewing new books. I really want to get this blog moving along and start meeting other book lovers.
See ya soon!
See ya soon!
Friday, May 25, 2012
School is out! Bring on the books!
Wow, I have been away for far too long. I have read about 3 or 4 books that I need to post reviews for. Currently I'm reading a book for school - George Washington's Socks. I need to read this for an upcoming unit tweaking workshop next week....3 days of work...but I get paid. Also, I really want to get a handle on the new teaching standards for next year.
Books that I will add reviews for by next week are:
1) The Catastrophic History of You and Me
2. Looking for Alaska and The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
Happy Reading! :)
Books that I will add reviews for by next week are:
1) The Catastrophic History of You and Me
2. Looking for Alaska and The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
Happy Reading! :)
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Currently Reading....Yep, a new one already!
I'm on Chapter 9 and liking this book very much. One thing I like about it is that the chapters are all song lyrics. People that know me, know that I love books and music. Also, how beautiful is this cover! It was totally the reason I picked it up.
Also sitting in my TBR pile are:
I will probably read Looking for Alaska next.
Kimmie :-)
Also sitting in my TBR pile are:
I will probably read Looking for Alaska next.
Kimmie :-)
Friday, April 6, 2012
Sweet Stuff by Donna Kauffman
Yes, occasionally I read cheesy romance novels! Well, actually this is a romance, but not so cheesy right now. It's a light, easy, beach read which is exactly what I wanted. The only bad thing, I started reading this one first. I have the first one in the series, but accidentally grabbed the wrong one off my TBR pile.
Riley Brown has a job I would just love to have, she stages homes. She shows interested buyers the home's potential. When we first meet Riley, she has gotten herself into a rather perilous situation (can we just say out of control treadmill.....been there girl, been there) and is rescued by handsome writer Quinn Brannigan. Of course, sparks fly at their initial meeting. However, this isn't a Harlequin where this is very little plot and lots of sex. The characters don't immediately fall in bed together...which I liked. I could also relate to Riley, who like most of us, has been burned by a previous relationship. If you are looking for a fun, fluffy read with a believable plot, you'll like this book.
Kimmie :-)
Riley Brown has a job I would just love to have, she stages homes. She shows interested buyers the home's potential. When we first meet Riley, she has gotten herself into a rather perilous situation (can we just say out of control treadmill.....been there girl, been there) and is rescued by handsome writer Quinn Brannigan. Of course, sparks fly at their initial meeting. However, this isn't a Harlequin where this is very little plot and lots of sex. The characters don't immediately fall in bed together...which I liked. I could also relate to Riley, who like most of us, has been burned by a previous relationship. If you are looking for a fun, fluffy read with a believable plot, you'll like this book.
Kimmie :-)
The Weird Sisters
I was shopping in North Carolina while visiting family and stumbled upon this book at Barnes and Nobles (an actual bookstore...gasp!). If you pick up this book thinking it's going to be about a strange or odd group of sisters you'd be wrong. I've seen several negative reviews on this book that claim the sisters aren't weird, but ordinary. Well, I'm not sure how they missed it, but the "weird sisters" is from Shakespeare although you don't need to be an expert on him to get the book.
Here is the book description from Amazon.com:
"Three sisters have returned to their childhood home, reuniting the eccentric Andreas family. Here, books are a passion (there is no problem a library card can't solve) and TV is something other people watch. Their father-a professor of Shakespeare who speaks almost exclusively in verse-named them after the Bard's heroines. It's a lot to live up to.
The sisters have a hard time communicating with their parents and their lovers, but especially with one another. What can the shy homebody eldest sister, the fast-living middle child, and the bohemian youngest sibling have in common? Only that none has found life to be what was expected; and now, faced with their parents' frailty and their own personal disappointments, not even a book can solve what ails them..."
I must admit that I picked this up because of the, "there is no problem a library card can't solve," quote. I could also relate to this book because, like the mother in the story, my own mother suffered from breast cancer. The sisters, Rosalind (Rose), Bianca (Bean), and Cordelia (Cordy) are sisters that love each other, but just don't like each other very much. After their mother's diagnosis, all the sisters come back home to live. Rose, the oldest, is the responsible one and moves in to help her parents. However, Bean and Cordy are running from their past and have their own problems to deal with.
I liked the book a lot and it only took me two days to finish it, but there were a few slow spots. I loved the first person plural narrative - the use of "we" to describe the thoughts of the sisters. I also loved how believable they were in their interactions with each other. Overall, I would recommend this book to others and was glad that it caught my attention in NC.
Kimmie :-)
Here is the book description from Amazon.com:
"Three sisters have returned to their childhood home, reuniting the eccentric Andreas family. Here, books are a passion (there is no problem a library card can't solve) and TV is something other people watch. Their father-a professor of Shakespeare who speaks almost exclusively in verse-named them after the Bard's heroines. It's a lot to live up to.
The sisters have a hard time communicating with their parents and their lovers, but especially with one another. What can the shy homebody eldest sister, the fast-living middle child, and the bohemian youngest sibling have in common? Only that none has found life to be what was expected; and now, faced with their parents' frailty and their own personal disappointments, not even a book can solve what ails them..."
I must admit that I picked this up because of the, "there is no problem a library card can't solve," quote. I could also relate to this book because, like the mother in the story, my own mother suffered from breast cancer. The sisters, Rosalind (Rose), Bianca (Bean), and Cordelia (Cordy) are sisters that love each other, but just don't like each other very much. After their mother's diagnosis, all the sisters come back home to live. Rose, the oldest, is the responsible one and moves in to help her parents. However, Bean and Cordy are running from their past and have their own problems to deal with.
I liked the book a lot and it only took me two days to finish it, but there were a few slow spots. I loved the first person plural narrative - the use of "we" to describe the thoughts of the sisters. I also loved how believable they were in their interactions with each other. Overall, I would recommend this book to others and was glad that it caught my attention in NC.
Kimmie :-)
True Believer by Nicholas Sparks
I finished True Believer during my Spring Break. First of all, I like Nicholas Sparks. I just wanted to make that clear. This book is good, but not one of his best. By that, I mean it wasn't a one or two day read. It took me about a week. Please don't take that as a reason to not give this book a try. I liked the overall story, which revolved around an investigative reporter trying to decide if a cemetery was actually haunted or not. The love story was believable, but the very end of the story (the last page) was very predictable to me. I called it about 2/3 of the way through the book. Overall, I found this story to be a good summer beach read.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Currently Reading
I'm currently reading True Beliver by Nicholas Sparks. Just picked up a couple more books from the local Wally world. Hopefully I will be able to hit an actual bookstore during Spring Break. I need my TBR pile to grow :)
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
The Rescue by Nicholas Sparks
I'm am on reading fire! LOL! I looked back at the previous 10 days and realized that I have read a ridiculous amount of books. Maybe it's because it's getting close to summer and I will have more time to devote to reading. Or, it could also be because I've been away from it too long...like a dieter avoiding sweets, then inhaling an entire bag of cookies when she finally breaks down and tries to eats just one. No matter the reason, I'm glad I've had this time to read. Reading always help me relax.
What can I say about The Rescue by Nicholas Sparks? Like all of his previous works, this one is set in a small southern town. The two main characters Denise and Taylor, are far from perfect. Each one has made mistakes that have impacted where they are in their lives at the current time. However, Denise is all about working to learn from and recognizing her mistakes. Taylor, on the other hand, had yet to deal with some of his darker demons. As Denise and Taylor grow closer, Taylor's secrets come back to haunt him.
Nicholas Sparks once again proves that some of the best love stories are the ones that aren't flawless. His books fill one with all kinds of emotions...happiness, sadness, regret, and relief. Make sure to read the Author's Note at the end of this novel....oh, and make sure you have a few tissues for that.
Kimmie :-)
Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver
Pandemonium is the second book in the Delirium trilogy, and it lived up the first one in many ways. Sometimes, a sequel will not be as engaging or well written as the first, but that was not a problem in this case. I won't go into too much detail for those of you who haven't yet read Delirium, except to say that we continue to follow Lena, our protagonist, as she adjusts to her new life.
The Lena in this book has grown since we last saw her in the final pages of Delirium. Pandemonium doesn't pick up where it's predecessor left off, but does flashback to fill in the gaps. That is actually one of the features that I loved about this book. The books chapters rotate between "Now" and "Then"as Lena's story unfolds. As Lena remembers her past, and deals with the present, more danger presents itself. Along with the dangers however, a few surprises cause Lena to once again question everything she has been lead to believe.
The final chapters of this novel flew by, and I really felt for Lena and the position she found herself in at the end of the book. The only bad thing I can say about this book is that I'll have to wait until 2013 to read the final installation of the trilogy.
The Lena in this book has grown since we last saw her in the final pages of Delirium. Pandemonium doesn't pick up where it's predecessor left off, but does flashback to fill in the gaps. That is actually one of the features that I loved about this book. The books chapters rotate between "Now" and "Then"as Lena's story unfolds. As Lena remembers her past, and deals with the present, more danger presents itself. Along with the dangers however, a few surprises cause Lena to once again question everything she has been lead to believe.
The final chapters of this novel flew by, and I really felt for Lena and the position she found herself in at the end of the book. The only bad thing I can say about this book is that I'll have to wait until 2013 to read the final installation of the trilogy.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Delirium by Lauren Oliver
So after I had voraciously read the entire Hunger Games trilogy in such a ridiculous amount of time, I ran to the store to pick up some more books. Yes, it's a sickness. My mom once bought me a canvas bag that had the following quote on the side: "When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes" - Erasmus. My entire family thought this was a hilarious gift because it was spot on accurate. Anyway, I digress. So after perusing the very limited book selection at the local Wal-Mart (oh how I'd love a great bookstore in town) I finally decided on Delirium. I'd seen the book mentioned on several blogs and the reviews were pretty decent. The premise looked interesting enough, but the fact that it was yet another dystopian novel gave me pause. I mean, I had loved The Hunger Games and didn't want to be disappointed. I'm happy to say that I wasn't disappointed. In fact, I read this book in two days (and that is while working a full time job).
First of all, I'd like to say that the only similarities between this and The Hunger Games is that they are dystopian in nature and geared toward young adults. That is where the similarities end. The premise of the story is that love has been identified as a disease and you are cured of said disease on your 18th birthday. Our protagonist, Lena, is counting down the days to the procedure. She doesn't want to get infected with the disease that robbed her of her mother while she was just a young child. She follows the rules, reads the approved books, listens to the approved music, and prepares for her evaluation. This evaluation will rate her, determine if she goes to college or not, and give her a short list of prospective husbands. Lena's best friend Hana, isn't as eager to have the procedure done. She questions, she listens to things she shouldn't, and she breaks curfew. A chance encounter with a young man named Alex and an attempt to save Hana from being caught during one of her rebellious nights, uproot Lena's life and all that she has come to believe.Are the Invalids (people who have chosen not to have the cure) evil? Are the Wilds as barren as she has been lead to believe? Delusion is the first book in a trilogy, so it does end on a bit of a cliffhanger. The good news is the second book is already out. I'm a little more than halfway through Pandemonium, and hope to review it before this weekend is complete.
The Lucky One
I've been a fan of Nicholas Sparks, but I have taken a break from him the last few years. Yes, I'm admitting it. I gave myself a Spaks-Intervention. Why? It's simple really, as good as his books are, you almost always cry at the end and ask yourself why you would willingly put yourself through the wringer. Can I just say The Notebook, Message In A Bottle, A Walk To Remember, and Nights in Rodanthe? At the same time though, I like how realistic he is with his writing. More often than not the boy doesn't get the girl, they don't live happily ever after, and everything doesn't come up roses. So, with book in hand, I picked up a box of tissues and prepared to be slayed. While this book didn't require the tissue count of A Walk to Remember or Message in a Bottle, it still was well-written and extremely enjoyable. I won't give too much away, but I loved the character of Thibault - the strong, silent type who walked across the country to meet the young woman whose picture he had carried with him, and considered a good luck charm, during his time in the military overseas. If you have enjoyed any of Spark's previous works, you will enjoy this book.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
The Hunger Games
I'm so late to The Hunger Games party that it is kind of embarrassing. I just read the trilogy last weekend. Yes, last weekend. What makes it worse is that I have had the first book in the trilogy for almost an entire year. So, what made me FINALLY pick these up. Well, first of all my cousin read them earlier this month, and was raving about how good they were. Secondly, the movie is coming out TOMORROW - or midnight if you're lucky and don't have to work. I have always been one to read the book before the movie (unless the book is adapted from the movie-those don't count) so that I know the entire story.
It was a Saturday (last Saturday actually) and I was extremely bored at only 9pm. I glanced over and saw the glossy black cover and gold Mockingjay pen begging for me to pick it up. I caved. I figured, "I'll read for a couple of hours, then call it an early night." That was my exact thought. However, The Hunger Games had other plans. I read and read. I kept telling myself that after this chapter I'll stop. I was lying to myself. There was NO WAY I could put that book down. Every time I tried, my mind would immediately go to Katniss and Peeta and I would have to pick the book back up. Finally, at 4am, I was able to put it down. I had read the entire book in one sitting. I don't even remember if I got up for anything. As I finally put my head down on the pillow, I closed my eyes and immediately asked myself, "Where can I get Catching Fire?"
To make a long story, a little shorter, I was just as enthralled with the second book. I read it in only 5 or 6 hours and then immediately finished up the trilogy with Mockingjay. Overall, I guess you can already tell I love this trilogy. I do. I do think, however, that The Hunger Games was the best of the books and that Mockingjay -while I enjoyed it and read if just as voraciously as the previous two books- was just a bit lacking. I can't quite put my finger on it, and I don't want to give away too much and ruin it for the one other person out there who is dragging their feet about reading these books. I think that the fact these books are geared towards young adults might be why I was a little less than satisfied at the end of Mockingjay.
If you were like me and avoided the books because of all they hype - I STILL have yet to make it through Twilight. I mean I've tried numerous times, but just can't do it. Pick up The Hunger Games. Buy them, borrow them, just.....read them. This is one of the few times the hype is worth it.
It was a Saturday (last Saturday actually) and I was extremely bored at only 9pm. I glanced over and saw the glossy black cover and gold Mockingjay pen begging for me to pick it up. I caved. I figured, "I'll read for a couple of hours, then call it an early night." That was my exact thought. However, The Hunger Games had other plans. I read and read. I kept telling myself that after this chapter I'll stop. I was lying to myself. There was NO WAY I could put that book down. Every time I tried, my mind would immediately go to Katniss and Peeta and I would have to pick the book back up. Finally, at 4am, I was able to put it down. I had read the entire book in one sitting. I don't even remember if I got up for anything. As I finally put my head down on the pillow, I closed my eyes and immediately asked myself, "Where can I get Catching Fire?"
To make a long story, a little shorter, I was just as enthralled with the second book. I read it in only 5 or 6 hours and then immediately finished up the trilogy with Mockingjay. Overall, I guess you can already tell I love this trilogy. I do. I do think, however, that The Hunger Games was the best of the books and that Mockingjay -while I enjoyed it and read if just as voraciously as the previous two books- was just a bit lacking. I can't quite put my finger on it, and I don't want to give away too much and ruin it for the one other person out there who is dragging their feet about reading these books. I think that the fact these books are geared towards young adults might be why I was a little less than satisfied at the end of Mockingjay.
If you were like me and avoided the books because of all they hype - I STILL have yet to make it through Twilight. I mean I've tried numerous times, but just can't do it. Pick up The Hunger Games. Buy them, borrow them, just.....read them. This is one of the few times the hype is worth it.
Why a book blog?
I am a reader. For as long as I can remember I have loved to read. One of my earliest school memories is of my kindergarten self getting very irate that someone else had gotten the new Clifford The Big Red Dog book before me. I was heartbroken, but the school librarian managed to make it better with another book recommendation and a promise to hold the Clifford book for me when it came back to the library.
My love of reading has followed me throughout my life. I've shared that love with my younger cousins, and hopefully my students as well. I can't remember a time where I have put off reading. I've never gone more than a month without picking up something to read. Reading is like breathing to me, if I don't do it I feel like I'm not being true to myself.
What do I read? Well, I am a firm believer in read whatever you enjoy. I read from all types of genres: Historical, Biography, Young Adult, Elementary/Middle Grades (I teach), New York Times Bestsellers, and those Fluff books that are everyone's guilty pleasure. I don't constrict my reading choices. I leave myself open to all kinds of reading experiences. As you will soon see from the books that I list on my blog. I don't know if this blog will have a single follower, but if not that is okay. It will be an awesome way to track my own reading.
My love of reading has followed me throughout my life. I've shared that love with my younger cousins, and hopefully my students as well. I can't remember a time where I have put off reading. I've never gone more than a month without picking up something to read. Reading is like breathing to me, if I don't do it I feel like I'm not being true to myself.
What do I read? Well, I am a firm believer in read whatever you enjoy. I read from all types of genres: Historical, Biography, Young Adult, Elementary/Middle Grades (I teach), New York Times Bestsellers, and those Fluff books that are everyone's guilty pleasure. I don't constrict my reading choices. I leave myself open to all kinds of reading experiences. As you will soon see from the books that I list on my blog. I don't know if this blog will have a single follower, but if not that is okay. It will be an awesome way to track my own reading.
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